Celebrate Poe
This podcast is a deep dive into the life, times. works. and influences of Edgar Allan Poe - "America's Shakespeare." Mr. Poe comes to life in this weekly podcast!
Celebrate Poe
Despotic Sway
George Bartley
Season 3
Episode 298
Poe’s reflections on decay within the Colosseum is a cautionary tale about civic engagement today. As many citizens become increasingly disengaged from political processes, there is a risk of societal decay reminiscent of the decline represented in Poe's poem. Encouraging active participation in democracy is essential to countering this trend.
While at first reading, the poem The Coliseum points at the decay of an ancient society - Rome - the poem also highlights the enduring relevance of Poe's work in analyzing contemporary society.
Thank you for experiencing Celebrate Poe.