
George Bartley

George Bartley has worked at the Edgar Allan Poe Museum in Richmond and has a MA in Shakespeare Education - and since Poe is frequently known as America’s Shakespeare, George often concentrates on showing how fortunate the United States is to have produced such a supremely talented individual as Edgar Allan Poe - the “Master of the Macabre.”  George has also been a Poe re-enactor for the West Virginia Humanities Council, where he would dress and speak as Poe to schools, libraries, and other groups. Being a Poe re-enactor required a great deal of research into the writer’s life, and that research that serves as a basis for Celebrate Poe.  Perhaps the most interesting part of Celebrate Poe is that the podcast uses George and the voice of an imagined “ghost of Edgar Allan Poe” to tell the story of Poe’s life and works.